Dear Willmael is been a year three months since i last sow your sweet face i miss you as i write to you my hearth sinks i wish it was possible to me to see you i try trust me every day to deal with it some days better than other but a day like to today not that good i wish i can be with you with all my hearth but for now this is the only way writing to you to let you know i don't ever forget you until you let them know you want you can tell any one teacher a therapist and me i will go to court in a hearth bit my darling boy i will go when ever you say so. Remember you can see me when ever you want to just write to me i be here always waiting for you

PS don't let anyone intimidate you if any one does do tell someone because that is a form of child abuse speak up don't let no one bully you to do things you don't want to do and remember always I LOVE YOU


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