hello my big boy i must say
have been growing my little Faruko alike that how your haircut looks like you
have my black Indian hair my eyebrows and eyelashes even my chicks my mini me I
can see me on your face hope you are well my son sorry i have not write for a little
bit i just need to get a lots of things settle lately and I have been under the
weather Don't know what it is but hope is nothing but in the bright site I have
my boys and my little girl of two summer vacations hoping you have fun but & wishing we cut had some fun but maybe one day we can go and have an adventure to
remember together here are some pics for you the first one are your great
grandparents from my mother’s side and you little sister. I have to upload more
pics of your nice Keyshlanie and JoJo and Josh but i do it later until then I send all my love to you and I keep you in my prayers so an Angel always keep
you safe love mom.