Legal abduction

  After gaining my trust paternal grand mother gain guardianship and keep my son to have a healthy relationship with his mother

You will think we always hated one to another but no at list i didn't. When i met Marilyn Rivera the very first time at list the very first time i notice her was in my hairstylist home. Marilyn was getting her hair done for her wedding the very next day i was ask by Irma to accompany her to an mary kate presentation at her home that night. It was there i notice her son William, then i was invited to her wedding event because Irma didn't know anyone there and she didn't wanted to go alone. Well little did i know into who's lives i had cross that for ever change ours the relationship with your father was bad i think from the very moment it had started my four tires where pop because he was with me while kind of dating an other girl, but it was not ready for another fail so i hag on to what i can say the most destructing relationship i ever had. Some time after trying to decide was best for all of us i had some choices to make money was not coming as faster the bills where i was not working and i was being repriment by the welfare because your brother was suspended from the school bus and i cut not bring him to school because one i had a new born two i didn't had a car at that time three it will take me three buses and more than 2 hours just to get him there same to go back home only too go eat something and take the 3 buses back to school again with a baby my father was willing to help but we had to relocate W.I. When i confided in Willmael grandmother Marilyn she was distress just because she haven't get the chance to be close to any of her grand children according to her (what about Fantasy) she say if i stay she was going to help me  and i believe her after all she was always wanting do be my friend and being helpful and talking to me always being there i really tough she was sincere never past to my mind she was running her own agenda never knew she had other plans, a couple of months past and i was really distressed by the bills and trying to support my house that was when she said to me to give her Willmael  guardianship to her because she cut apply for benefits for him, so i did a notary letter saying you where to stay with her only temporary while i get in my feet financially and she did got that help. Then she say to give her guardianship by the court because sec 8 will only give her one more room for my son and she need some more space at list for when Willmael  was being babysit by her there because i stated working and Willmael  father didn't wanted nobody else but his mother to take care of him and Willmael  was getting sick from asthma and getting that cold air every time someone open the door she only had a 1 bedroom she convince me that was not good for my son health  and i say yes because i wanted the best for my baby but right after the guardianship was given to Marilyn  things started to change very quickly. When i had a month in the job and i had put my bills up to date and ask her to give me back the guardianship she said no because the court will think we where toying with the court system, to wait a little. She find any excuse ever since to keep me from my son ever since. My son Willmael is now 10 and he have expressed hate toward me with out no reason just because that was what was said in court by my son Willmael  therapist one of the parental alienation, the most common  signm and that why i call what she did legal abduction.


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