
Showing posts from 2013

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado : I wish to hug you my dear son, I miss you remember...

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado : I wish to hug you my dear son, I miss you remember... : I wish to hug you my dear son, I miss you remember I'm here the minute you want me there with you I will be there just say the word a...

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado : I wish to hug you my dear son, I miss you remember...

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado : I wish to hug you my dear son, I miss you remember... : I wish to hug you my dear son, I miss you remember I'm here the minute you want me there with you I will be there just say the word a...
I wish to hug you my dear son, I miss you remember I'm here the minute you want me there with you I will be there just say the word and i be there unconditionally to give you my love straight and protection you may think you got no choice but you do just say the word and i will be there for you. 

Another Christmas with out you....

Yet another Christmas away from you not because i didn't want to be there that choice i didn't make it was made for us i wish i can be with you like i'm here for your brothers and sister is a biter Sweet Christmas i'm going to see them smile because they have what they want for Christmas but not you. at first i used to walk in to the toys isle thinking what you may like thinking even if i get toys or video game how i'm going to bring them to you baby boy i stop going in there as chrismas aproche it got to painful.  i have no choice i can make contact with you until you want to make contact my hearth aches silence is not being kind to me Willmael i don't know why you have this feeling towards me if all i feel for you is love unconditional mother love but i always be here for you no matter what i will  and i always pray for you i hope God  hear my broken hearth prayer for you my darling bab...

In the middle of everything i think of you

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado

God knows how to comford my heart

I dream of you second night in a row. At first i saw you inside the car i did know what your reaction was going to be when you sow me so i waited you got out of the car look at me and got closer and with out saying anything you extended your arms and hug me and i hug you so hard and close to me i never wanted to let go of you i miss you i wish i can talk to you i wish i can see my baby boy face but until then God with comfort me in my dreams

Another diary entry

                               June 11,2004 Today i realize that the only people that love me carry the same blood that i carry. No man loves me no person loves me. My kids only and because the love of a man they start to hate me. I got to look back to the people who once did swallow my pride and ask for help and i need all i can get. I want my son with me, I want to be surrounded by people that if ( let close to my heart they will not hurt me). It's time to go home i don't understand i was good to people and people haven't been good to me at all and I'm so hurt, so discosted  by who i have chose to trust with my life. I know that i have done wrongs but people just make worse for me they can get what they want from me. God make me strong so i can go on and resolve all my problems. I'm trying so hard. I went to work bring and give mo...

I dream of you again

I dream of you today but you where that baby and i was that young again but with the wisdom of this age i dream i say no i dream of you and me together as it was meant to be i dream of you my sweet darling baby boy i love you my therapist ask me a question yesterday how you had pray to ask God to help you forgive your self? No i haven't but is time to do so i can move forward

There it is tell me if the shoe don't fit hold on baby boy remember you have a choice and that we are here for you always

The Narcissistic Parent N arcissists make deplorably bad parents. They are too focused on themselves to find children anything but an annoyance or a way to increase admiration and power. Many narcissists become parents either by accident or for some ill-thought out self-serving purpose. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print More Sharing Services Narcissists have two faces -- the one they wear in public, and the one they wear at home. Only those close to the narcissist have any idea there is more than one face. And the narcissist's children know best of all, because children - those who have the least power - are the ones the narcissist allows him or herself to be the least guarded around. A frequent frustration of children of narcissists is that everyone else thinks their mother or father is the most wonderful person ever, while at home their children suffer in silence with their parent's tantrums, disinterest and put-downs -- this is cle...

This is what my son is dealing with a narcissist grandmother

The Narcissistic Mother Are you dealing with a narcissistic mother? Published on November 11, 2013 by  Mark Banschick, M.D.  in  The Intelligent Divorce 0 in Share Everyone Needs Validation: Normal  parents  often experience their children as  narcissistic  extensions of themselves. Normal parents also let go. After all, the goal of raising healthy kids is for them to fulfill themselves. Yet,  not all children are permitted to grow up and be themselves . In past blogs, we’ve looked at the child rearing practices of the  narcissistic father , but, what if narcissism  affects the  nurturing mother ?  Related Articles The Shadows of Our Mothers The Mothers Act A Great Gift Idea for Loved Ones: Share Your Stories Attributes of a Mother—The Good, the Bad, and the Funny How to Complain About Your Mother Find a Therapist Search for a mental health professional near ...

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado : Fallow the paper trail!!!

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado : Fallow the paper trail!!! : There is a big difference between a small child and an adult the difference is that a child will believe easily what is being said to him, t...

Fallow the paper trail!!!

There is a big difference between a small child and an adult the difference is that a child will believe easily what is being said to him, they don't know any better you tell them this is blue but is red how they will know they just learning of life. An adult have experience they have live thru life they know to go find facts they know other people is not honest all the time especially if that adult was that child that you lie to saying is blue but is was in fact red. Know I wait, just wait as court had tell me to do until my son come to me and ask all the questions about how everything came to be the way it is. That moment will come sooner or later it will happen I will said son just fallow the paper trail follow all courts records (that will show him i try fail and try again for him),police reports (that will show that there where lots of different incidents that this family have done to make it harder for us), the state police reports(that shows they when beyond to keep me out o...

Willmael delgado a parental alienation story

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado
Well i guess that when you are ready will have lots to catch up with your brothers, by them you will see their side of their story, not only stories about growing up they will also will give you their view of not growing up with out you. What they felt, what they sow. You know i have pics of you tru out the house there is one picture taken during one of the ywca visitations of all my boys together and i just have to tell your lil sister who you are because she recognize big brother  jojo and big brother josh but i have to keep telling her you are her big brother wilo and one day explain to her why you are not with us and why we can not just see you. You know one day she will give you her version of how it was for her to grow so far from you i hope you all can be close has family you are as we are, we be here always for you you need to know that for when ever you need us we be here with open arms.                         ...


I remember we looking for names it was almost to when you where born i came to this name your father wanted Emanuel i wanted William someone say Mayro lol so will for your father ma for Mayra and el for Emanuel that how your name came to be then at the very last minute William as your second name from William or Emanuel you where such a good baby by the time you where 3 months you only waking up once at night you loved water bath time where always so fun but you really enjoy that cream massages you where very plumpy

In the middle if this journey

In the middle of waiting for you i got to thank God for the strength that he gives me to keep going, for my kids and granddaughter , for boyfriend Roger my family and his who keep saying never give up for the blessing of having good health, a job, for every single blessings God gives me i thank him amen.

Parental alienation story

Today i pray

Parental alienation story

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado

Waiting for Willmael Delgado parental alienation story

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado

Parental alienation story

Today i pray

Today i pray

We when to church to listen to what good have to say to us and is was about being patient to wait in God, he has a plan for everything. Even when God was in the cross he knew he got to endure that pain that humiliation, he knew he was going to die for us his children to give us salvation he never step down give his back to his children, because we are his children. I pray for you, i pray you are healthy, i pray you are doing good in life. i pray for one day have the chance to sit with you and tell you everything and show you everything and say how much i'm sorry i cut not be there when you need it me. My wish is to see you again one day and in God i will wait until he says is time

Every time i hear this song i thing if you!

I want God to be my judge because between what i say and what she said God have the ultimate wisdom God sees everything and he will make justice on his own time patience comes from trials

This is another entry of my dairy if 2004

It's. Been almost two weeks since i last saw my son and i feel desperate to see him i miss my little meatball he was one of the reasons to keep trying i still have the other two but we were four always together. I feel like they stole my soul and rip my hearth it hurts me everyday God help me You have to excuse my poor grammar that was just when i stared like i said put my spanish thoughts to English  

I never wanted to dismiss the pregnancy


I dream of you

Well i got to say last night was good i dream of you and your smile and baby boy it was glorious it have to be send to God to conford my hearth this morning i feel so good i hope God is with you this morning and you have a bless day today refection Never give up even when you make mistakes is never to late to do some fixing is never to late to ask for forgiveness is never to late to say I'm sorry and who ever haven't make any mistakes  in this life throe the first stone 

My voice will not be silenced no more

I won't be quiet my voice won't be tone down and who don't like it oh well. This blog is to let know my son Willmael how much i love him i miss him is to made to tell him my side of the story of why i toke the decisions i toke and yes i was an adult at my 24 years i was trick to think MARILYN RIVERA was truly honestly there to help and what is have been like  ever since this page is for him but since they toke the audacity to write to me now will make another blog especially for dose who say they are in the right i will prove my story and i will not stop i will never give up if God is with me who is against me the true will prevail

This is your family

This is your family we love you for who you are we be always here to experience laughter tears sweet hugs and kisses we are here for you

I will get stronger

Tru all this years i had been push, trash down, drove desperate and almost crazy by all the wrong doing just to get me out of my son Willmael life, to destroy any relationship between us and i had fall, i have being in pain, depressed but it kills Marilyn Rivera that no matter how much she does i always rise up and she only make me stronger it kills her too that no matter how low she can go i will never get at her level I believe in God justice because he seeing every thing and there no fooling God and i believe in karma she always catch up to what you have done i pray for her so God have mercy on her soul and i feel sorry for her because her happy is not really a happy is only temporary God say don't build your house on the sand build it on the rock you can't build anything from others people suffering it will not last to finish this note i want to say to Marilyn Rivera thank you for making more stronger than yesterday and i forgive you, because what you done to me i will not ...

Will rise from my ashes like the phoenix stronger no matter how hard i get hurt i will rise again just to be ready here for you

The great depression after realizing what was done

After realizing my son grandmother was not coming back with my baby Willmael and had no intention of returning my son back desperation kicks in hi gear sadness over come my hearth while having post partum depression an to top it up being in an abusive relationship it was the perfect storm i remember working and crying tru the hole work day i feel so alone that no one cut help i hated myself and i cut not trust anyone anymore a very dark time. This is one day entry in my diary June 7 2004  It have been a week that i don't see my baby boy and every day i feel so sad upset and betrayed by one of the persons that I really wanted in my life to counted on like she was my family but  the desire to make her marriage and her life a complete one had to bring so much pain to me. I feel like someone stole one third of my hearth. I know that i have committed some mistakes with my boys and that is getting hard to bring them up but i will do my best know like i did before. i know i ha...

Parental alienation story Massachusetts law fail to mother son bond

Waiting for you Willmael Delgado

Legal abduction

  After gaining my trust paternal grand mother gain guardianship and keep my son to have a healthy relationship with his mother You will think we always hated one to another but no at list i didn't. When i met Marilyn Rivera the very first time at list the very first time i notice her was in my hairstylist home. Marilyn was getting her hair done for her wedding the very next day i was ask by Irma to accompany her to an mary kate presentation at her home that night. It was there i notice her son William, then i was invited to her wedding event because Irma didn't know anyone there and she didn't wanted to go alone. Well little did i know into who's lives i had cross that for ever change ours the relationship with your father was bad i think from the very moment it had started my four tires where pop because he was with me while kind of dating an other girl, but it was not ready for another fail so i hag on to what i can say the most destructing relationship i ever had. ...


Missing you don't turn off no matter what people do to keep me apart from you they can't not make me stop loving you by saying your not perfect because a mother don't look in perfection in your child she looks at her child as he is a unique gift from God some one priceless to our heart i love you and that will never change no matter the distance no matter what they do there no stoping this love i will always pray for you love.

my hearth fill up with desperation

every day that past i miss you i'm going to find a way to tell you i love you miss you and i will always be here for you no matter to who say i can't

dear son

I was walking to the store an looking at customes and wonder what you wanted to be these year but that an every day thing for a long time i wonder how you are how you feel what you like i wish i can talk to you but for now i just wait and write so i don't go crazy for not being close to you

after the last day of court

after the judge have decided that any contact have to be stated by my son as i exit from in front of the judge i said faith is the last thing you lose when you trying to be there for your child and i have faith in my God in the love he have show me and i pray always for unserstanding as of why this persone have taken upon her to separated a mother from her child. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 i know that God can be fool like any man have been fool God sees everything and the final judgement will be done by him i belive God will give us justice in his time

i love you

I love you an there is not distance there is not people there is nothing that can change that i love you since before i meet you and i will always will be here to listen to you to be there when you need me to love you with out any conditions

my hearth never will stop waiting

When I sing custody to your paternal grandmother things where not right in a lot of ways I had some money problems I was not making ends met and the relationship with your father was not good I had post partum depression but true all this relationship with your grandmother Marilyn was good and when I feel like I cut not  deal with things the way they where I was seriously considering taking my father help and go to W.I. I told your grandmother Marilyn she say that she will help and to stay because she didn't wanted to lose another grandkid  she told me to give custody of you so the welfare department will give her money to help with dippers formula etc. I shut it listen to my heart but I didn't wanted you to be private for your essential needs so I make her promise that when I get my on my feet I will have the custody back and she promise on her father who she say it was the person she muse love  right there I shut it know because the person Maril...

Is not easy to live missing you.

For at least 9 years i have been on and off getting therapy and help to deal with the sadness and the emptiness of not being able to be there for you, the feeling of failing  you because i let your grandmother make me believe that this was only temporary until i get back on my feet because it was the best thing to do so you didn't have to have necessities but not even long it toke to stop being nice and for this nightmare to begin and for my sorrows to take over i miss you always

how do i manage to smile

I have to smile even if i miss you because is not fear to your brothers and sister if my life take this blows from the destiny. A while ago in Europe a woman was walking to the park, she see a younger woman and knew just by looking at her that she was her child she just knew even if she was told the child die, 9 months waiting to see the face of her child she sow only for a brief moment and even after years and being told the child die she knew is amazing the love of a mother for his child it goes for ever