parental alienation is child abuse
Parental alienation is a form of child abuse when a kid fear that if he like his mother the be consequences, ask for secrecy to hide that he like her or he had fun and he fear reprehension, act one way when he in present of alienator and another when this person is not there. To always look for aproval in the alienator before he respond and react to any kind of questions or invitations Is abuse if is inflicted fear in order not to talk about the parent or say was his wanted to say all studies have show this kids become adults with emotional traumas. Know why the courts, therapist and social services don't intervene is this type of abuse they need to investigate this cases they can't just turn a blind eye just because no visible to them and don't see it mean is not there, they need to take lie detectors as prove to court when parents are accuse of abuse they need to have psychologist train to identify this behavior from alienator and child other wise this kids are away from there parents and family court is fealling the very thing they want to protect "the best interest of the child"