last day of school is approaching

Well I bet your counting for school vacation start Emy's last day is today and I have been doing some research to make a plan. I know there is free movies and bowling so I was thinking to combine that with a library visits and kind of out door little adventures Emely have a bug net I hope to see some butterflies and fireflies she in to bugs as long they are in a constable distance, lady bugs we had catch at the beach but getting to the point I hope you have a summer reading list at least a book a day of reading if is lite just read about things you like I love fiction and action so just grab a book and go into and adventure make sure you go outside and explore and experience go fishing or just for a walk ask questions and be curious have fun enjoy the good weather after all you have all winter to be coop inside I know we are allergic to a lot of things but with some good mediation, mosquito repellent and some sun screen you be ready to be outside. I see the blackberries bushes all ready have flowers and I bet the raspberries in the trail have too and strawberries are scrumptious right now we like to pick our owns is better than going for it at the supermarket and the flavors are superb well all i have to say is be a kid you have lots of time to be an adult right now is the moment i hope you are in good health and in good spirit be smart be kind and humble i love you for ever your Mother who misses you very much and every day i will keep you in my prayers                                        

                                              love Mom  


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