life re-runs

I always believe my that my grandfather story was a bit sad because he lose his mother to at a young age he end up living with some relatives. He pretty much fight to survive and make it thru. He was let to believe that his father never love him or wanted him that he when on re married and forgot about him.  But the truth came to light late in his life about how he was made believe this things. His mothers family didn't like him at all so they told him his Fathers name was Francisco and he was register as Tito at age 15 never the less that was a mess his father was told my grandfather wanted nothing to do with him and my grandfather the same so they where private  of a father son relationship Bienvenido my  great grandfather and my grandfather Esteban miss in a lot of ways that love the relationship and time just because a dislike, because someone decided he was better off not even knowing a hole other family. His brothers sisters aunt uncles cousins and grandparents where private off it there where also grand kids and great grand kids that never had a relationship with his grandfather, all these people miss out in healthy relationships just because adults cut not by pass hatred dislikes. Time passes children grow truth comes out but you can not undo what is been done. Do you see people do things to remove to ripe out this relationships not knowing the effects of it in more than one person. History have his way to kind of do re runs of stories like his a little different but in a way the same but I wont give up at least I have technology this time in my side. I can blog, tweet and share. I can keep writhing all I Want so you know even when they have gone all this way to take me completely out of your life i will still write to let you know no one can't take you out of my heart. I will fight until my last breath to let you know you are love not only by your mother but by and entire other side of the family. I will always have you in my prayers thuds and heart. I'm here ready for when you are so we can re take what have been taken from us.                                                            LOVE MOM


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