
 In the anniversary of Sandy Hook I was remembering the days that fallow this tragedy the sadness and the pain. I also remember the question everyone was asking, why?. Weeks, months even years have past and no one will ever know what drove this individual to commit such a cruel act to this children and adults.  When listening to the conclusions of why it was believe he did it some experts said he was mentally unbalance some others that it was video games, others say he was an introverted person. It cut have been so many things but I think what made it to this big scale was that people around him family, friends or anyone who notice some of his behaviors just didn't recognize that there was an issue here that he need it help that he was screaming for help with his behavior. I think Anna's mother Nelba is doing such a Good job by creating awareness about  raising your voice to say this is not right or i think he needs help to know how to notice this issues and not just sweep it under the rug. It's amazing how in the process she can come with a message of love and faith while trying to cope with her and her family pain because healing from this tragedy from my mothers prospective is impossible to keep moving forward to honor her daughter life to keep going to push thru this makes her and her family my heroes. When I think of all the times a walk around with hate, hurt and sadness because I cut not understand why someone will justify doing wrong causing a separation between mother and child and here I see this woman  who her child was taken from her coming with something to do honor her and to give forward not bitterness but a message of love kindness and awareness made me say no i can't keep going forward with this feelings it will take the best of me and destroy myself and others just because some imbalance individual believe that what she have done right to justify by any meanings in her mind that what she is doing is the right thing,I got to see the positive in this situation  still have hope just like Anna's mom that love will always win, to give forward and bring some kind of awareness on the system that there is issues with family law that just by not saying there is something wrong they are creating a bigger problem that is not ok to say well is unfortunate not knowing why  a child will have such a intense dislike for the other parent with no justification, to decide to play the oblivious game just because is easy just not to dig deeper to find out what is causing this behavior on a child such a disconnection, dislike and unwillingness to try to created any type of relationship is not normal  but faith is will be never be loss and while going thru this to find a way to cope and help others going to the same or like situation  and not to try to make seance on the why an unbalance person mind i just need to know hoe to make notice to others that this narcissistic person need help and it need to be a way to recognize the red flags of  people with mental disorders.



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