Christmas 2015

Another year pass by people keep asking if i ever give up the answer is simple no  can't give up in my kids never. They are part of me but they are their own individuals they are not not just an extension of me neither  accessorize to my life but i will always love them no matter what. For the pass years people are being trying to say you where no good you where a bad mom  when the only now so little about me. I was born in the island of Puerto Rico, the only child of a young couples marriage that only survive burly a year.I was raise in the beautiful country side of the island my mother have a studio like apartment that my grandma and grandpa have build for us. I was the only child but i wasn't,  I have seven aunts and one uncle so I had plenty to play with most of the time it was my aunt Ivonne and Oneida believe it or not i was older than Ivonne by 10 days and even older than Oneida by 2 years. we where wild child's lol climbing trees picking berries swinging from a rope  is was paradise to me. I love my mom I always had but the connection a feel with my grandparents always feel very strong I feel it like one more kid of them. when i was 7 years old my world started changing my mom was moving to Gurabo to a house.  I don't know if grandma told anyone but I beg her to stay with her she said I belong to my mother and with teary eyes she told me I cut not stay. My mom move and soon re married.
At first was good but soon enough things got sour he was drinking there where lots of fights lots of abusive behavior and my mom toke it like she will never find anything better. There was this incidents that make me be more rebellious to wards him but most to my mom like how she didn't do anything when i sow him looking to a hole when I was getting dress or when he slap me in my face because this boy hit me hard on the head and I hit him back to defend myself or the day he call my mom a name and I told him his mom was. I was becoming so angry at how things where going my grandparents never had any behaviors like they did it was a roller coaster and the latest trend was i was ending up sleeping outside at least 6 or more times i sleep in a park one time and was discover by the son of one of the church ladies he try to take me home beep the horn knock in my mom windows she never came out he end up taking me to Dads house my dad did the same no one came out. After this he got my custody but i never felt i belong to either household like i did when i was with my grandparents. As i became a teen and the anger was building up and i started acting wild i was becoming a wild teen. This is just a short version of how things where for me at your age.  I love you son i can't just forget that as easy people want to presume.


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